Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Bendiciones de Sevilla! Thankfully, we're taking Saturday afternoon easy. It's a welcome relief after several days of non-stop action. And so I'm using my afternoon productively and writing you all a blog post!
   Granada is amazing. I love it. So much. My favorite part was the old Arab neighborhood, called El Albaicín. It was beautiful! White-washed houses, narrow alley ways, delicious smells of Arab food wafting from the houses... Unfortunately, we only went at night and it was too far to walk back in the daytime.
   But the whole city was beautiful as well. I loved the central area around the cathedral as well. The cathedral itself is a sudden visible contrast to the buildings around it. But when we entered...! My goodness. I repeatedly despaired of being able to capture an adequate taste of it all; but then I would find something else just asking for a foto.
   Afterwards, we wandered around the old part of the city. So, so beautiful and atmospheric. We passed street performers, gorgeous fans and shawls in tourist shops, took pictures of old Moorish doorways, and saw a statue of Queen Isabella giving Christopher Columbus permission to search for the Indies.
    After a few group pictures next to the statue, we were given free time. My group of girls went straight for the bakery we had passed. As usual, I had a horrible time making up my mind. After going back and forth between the glass display inside and the window outside, I finally walked up to the counter and asked for a chocolate tarta. The guy had been watching me with an amused expression, and now grinned at me and asked if I wanted to go outside one more time to be sure. When we came back the next day, the guy recognized me and laughed hello as soon as I walked in. Both my chocolate and the strawberry tart were delicious, by the way.
   That evening, we went to the Arab part of town for a flamenco show in one of the inhabited caves! It was really cool; unfortunately, we were all exhausted from traveling and walking all over the neighborhood for more than an hour. I couldn't focus as much as I wanted to, but was left with a very clear impression of guitar music, loud singing, heel tapping, clapping, and "Óle's!"
   The next day was dominated by the Alhambra Palace! It was so beautiful. I loved it. The Moorish detailing, the gardens, the fountains... Gorgeous. We walked forever, but I still feel like I didn't see all of it. But I think that's typical of palaces though.
   That evening, we wandered through the old town again. Unfortunately, we forgot a couple souvenirs in the café and had to go running and sliding back along the marble sidewalks. It was frightful but fun! We made it back before the café closed and were relieved when the waiters just laughed and handed us our stuff. 
   Wouldn't it be amazing to have a white-washed apartment in the Arab neighborhood above Granada facing the Alhambra Palace? Yet another addition to my list of places to possibly live!

La Catedral

"I pray that my light will be a prayer"
Offerings: .10€, .20€, .50€, 1€ or 2€
Street Performer; I couldn't believe he wasn't a statue

Arabic Name!

At the Flamenco show
Granada and Tangier both had amazing settings for portraits

Alhambra fountain
Alhambra Palace; just look at all the Moorish detailing!

Just a few of the options available, and what I choose


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

So Much Travelling!

Hola a todos! Here's a quick, hastily written update.
   We have been traveling for 3 days in Andalucia, the south of Spain. We spent two days in Granada and today we've been working our way down the coast. Granda was AMAZING!!!!!! I absolutely love it; enough that I could see myself living there one day.
   And then tomorrow, we go to Morocco!!! Que bueno!!

Alhambra Palace! When I grow up, can I just wear Arabian clothes and bangles, drink tea, and read the Arabian Nights?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Rough Time

Hola todos!
  Things are a little harder than they were last week. But although the last few days have been rough for me and for some of my friends, I'm so thankful for my amazing friends! It's amazing how backrubs, rooftop stargazing, and a few good laughs can help.
   In the next few weeks, I will be traveling so much! On Monday, we leave for Andalucia (south of Spain) and will even go to Morocco for a day! Fast forward past 3 days of school and we're tentatively going to Portugal. Just a couple weeks after that, it's Italy! And based on my experience thus far, there will probably be a couple Spanish festivals mixed in there.
   I'm feeling slightly ill and tired, so here's my recent life in fotos.

Moors and Christians festival

We went to the beach after the festival and found this poor dead jellyfish

Ready for camping!
Sabbath school on the beach

(Almost) all the girls in my cabin

Absolutely beautiful!

It's so hard to believe that weather can be so wonderful in October!

Medieval Market!

P.S. Spanish kids have the cutest voices. There's a few kids digging in dirt outside, and they just sound so sweet and charming!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

In Which I Ride a Scooter!!!!!!!

Oh my word!!!! I'm still bouncing around!
   I was a bit nervous at first. It was a little country road, but there were joggers and a few cars; I had already started to imagine how the smithereens of the scooter would look after running into a pole. But it's super easy. The guy just showed me how to turn it on, the throttle, the brake, and there I go. So much fun!
    I was hoping I could ride a scooter in Greece, up and down the coast from beach to beach. But after having one too many accidents caused by tourists, the government introduced a lot of regulations. I'm not going to live in Greece for 6 months OR take Driver's Ed, so I guess I'll just find a bike.
   Now I just want to buy a scooter once I get home and just buzz around on that!

So excited! This is what my friend calls "Una Sonrisa Yankee"

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

So Happy!

I love my friends, I love laughing so hard I can't breathe, I love new opportunities, I love having Spanish conversations, I love having so much to look forward to every week... I just love. I love it all!
   Thank you so much to all of you guys for being so supportive of me! I really appreciate it. Despite the homework stress, I am so happy to be here!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Beautiful Valencia, Beautiful Friends

Hola todos! Wow, I had such an awesome day in Valencia!

Bus Tour
    First of all, we went through some of the modern outskirts of Valencia in our bus. We passed through the University of Valencia's sprawl, past the Ciudad de Los Artes y Ciencias (huge science and arts museum!), bull-fighting ring, train station, and a few other buildings that were several hundred years old. No big deal.

La Catedral
   We parked our bus next to a huge arch, the figurative gate to the sea, and climbed out. Out group was so large. Forget subtlety; 50 people, English conversations, frequent laughter and constant picture taking. But it's so much fun! After looping past some important buildings, we arrived at the cathedral. We stepped inside a small hall where they were having Mass. Actual Mass! We were the only non-worshippers there. I felt so incredibly rude as we stood there, taking pictures and watching. Thankfully, we were all quiet and respectful.
    Since 1239, there has been a Tribunal de las Aguas (Court of Water) every Thursday at 12:00. Apparently, the Valencian area has water shortages. And of course, disputes have arisen over water usage. So the Tribunal de las Aguas was established to settle any problems. They don't write their decisions down; instead, their verbal word becomes law. And this centuries old practice? I got to watch! A large crowd gathered at the Puerta de los Apóstoles (Gate of the Apostles) to watch the judges. A minute or two after the bells tolled the noon hour, they came out in their blue robes, led by a man with a funny hat and a hooked staff.
   The process consisted of the man-with-hat standing up and loudly asking if there were any cases from the different districts. Every question was met with silence and camera shutters. After 2 or 3 minutes, they had called the names of every district and they threaded their way back through the crowd and disappeared into the adjoining building.
   After that piece of living history, we climbed 203 steps of El Miguelette, the tower of the Cathedral. It was a gorgeous view from the top, despite the hazy clouds. We had a fun time taking pictures and admiring the city.

Rain, Rain, Rain
    After a few more gorgeous buildings, our group split up for lunch. Stephanie, Elizabeth, Kalifa, Suzannah and I had delicious - and cheap! - falafels in a cute little restaurant. But we were greeted with pouring rain when we stepped outside. We walked through it fine, but then we reached the marble sidewalks. Just a note, if you ever feel like walking in slippery flip-flops through an inch of rain water on a marble sidewalk... Don't do it. Take it from the girl who had to be saved from falling in the street several times.
   We soon found ourselves in a nice clothing store. It looked nice and expensive, but then I started to look at the prices. Scarves for €2? Shirts for €5? Not bad, not bad at all! Oh, and a beautiful new coat? Yes, please!

Just Think of that Guy and Smile Pretty!
    We found a chocolate shop that also specializes in chocolate drinks. Unfortunately, I had already had some sugar for the day, so I didn't indulge myself. But don't worry, I'll be sure to return and report on their chocolate. Anything for one's blog, right?
   After relaxing in the shop, we wandered through the streets. We passed by the cathedral again, and there was just something about the door that begged for a picture. Suddenly, Elizabeth and I found ourselves on a photo-shoot; posing everyone a certain way, taking pictures like mad, gasping over the colors. Our photo-shoot took us from the cathedral to a utility building's window to a beautiful little fountain. How exciting! AND we got new Facebook profile pictures!

Enjoy the fotos! Be prepared; there are a lot!

Valor Chocolates

I love my new coat! AND only €26. ¡Que guay!

This is one of my favorite pictures ever!

I'm so proud of this picture!

The Catedral de Valencia

Festival Tonight! Watch for a post about all the excitement (I hope) we'll have!
